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International meetings dance and acousmatic music

Call of participation for acousmatic composer - Call of participation for dancer

Organised by AEA (Aventures Electro Acoustiques) and Motus compagnie musicale.

ALEPH theater - Ivry s/Seine (near Paris) - from 16th to 23th of november 2025

Deadline for propositions : 30th of april 2025

To make a proposition as acousmatic composer
To make a proposition as dancer


We are looking for acousmatic music composers (electroacoustic, concrete) and artists performing a contemporary body form of expression : contemporary dance, butoh dance, performance, physical theater.

The En Chair et en Son project creates since 10 years meetings between acousmatic composers and dancers.

These excerpts of the interviews of artists who participates last year will help you to understand better our project.

Principle :

Each composer proposes a musical work already composed for the acousmonium concert. The duration of the work shall be more than 15 mn and less than 25mn.
15 composers and 15 dancers will be selected : The festival is open to confirmed artists and young artists.

Artists will mutually choose their partner to work together.

The dancer will create his performance on the basis of the selected musical work.

The composer will have the possibility to slightly modify his work, depending on the dialogue with the dancer, however the music shall stay very close to which selected and the duration also.

Some possibilties of rehersals in the Aleph Theater will be possible the week before the festival.

The selected musical works will be interpreted on the 'acousmonium' (installation of more than 20 sound sources).

An artistic comitee, constituted by composers and dancers will proceed to the selection of propositions. The comitee will be particularly interested by the motivation expressed by the artists to work on a spirit of "meetings and exploration" between acousmatic music and dance and will favour artists who have not yet worked together in the past.

The intention of these meetings is clearly to promote the emergence of new ways of creation and collaboration between dance and music.

The musical propositions

The musical propositions shall have a duration of more than 15 minutes.
They shall be accessible on a streaming platform (soundcloud, bandcamp...), with a short concert note, written in French or English (text, word, NOT PDF), explaining the musical work and the linked desired/seen with the dance.

Proposals shall be sent by mail to the following address : contact@en-chair-et-en-son.fr

The selection comitee will be particularly interested by the proposals which takes into account the “spirit” of these meetings: music played on a acousmonium and associated with dance performance: Takes the time to read the arguments and tracks of reflections proposed, and to visit the website of the festival showing excerpts of the previous editions, artists interviews and some texts of the 2015 symposium.

The originality of this project is in the confrontation between two universes which exists by themselves : the "flesh" of the dancer/performer and the "sound" of the acousmatic work composed for concert.
Our desire is to exclude musical work already composed for dance (aka "choregraphic soundtracks").

The dancers propositions

It is asked to submit, via an in-line video platform (as youtube, vimeo,…) an excerpt or the totality of a performance video captation. They shall go with a note, written in french or English (text, word, NOT PDF), explaining the motivation to participate to these meetings and the links considered with acousmatic music.
Proposals shall be sent by e-mail, to the following address : contact@en-chair-et-en-son.fr

If you've already taken part in the festival, you don't need to fill in this form, you can simply send us an e-mail to let us know that you intend to take part again.

The selection comitee will be particularly interested by the proposals which takes into account the “spirit” of these meetings: music played on a acousmonium and associated with dance performance: Takes the time to read the arguments and tracks of reflections proposed, and to visit the website of the festival showing excerpts of the previous editions, artists interviews and some texts of the symposium.

The conditions of the place does not allow to accept groups of dancers with acceptable conditions, then only propositions of solo dancers will be considered.

Ways and means

The selection will be performed for the 1st of June 2025.

The comitee will be the interface allowing dancers and composers to meet together. The artists will access to the links of all selected musical works and also to all the links to the dancers videos.

The artists will then have 15 days to perform the choice of their “partner”: lists by priority orders will be asked and the comitee will propose the “pairs”.

From the 1st of July 2025, all pairs will be constituted.

For any question thanks to send a mail to : contact@en-chair-et-en-son.fr

Maite Soler: photo Fabrice Pairault