Home > Edition 2022 : Edito
This 7th Edition will be special and outstanding
In 2018 I attended the butoh festival of Hokkaido and met there some great dancers. Amongst them was
Norihito Ishii, a member of the Sankai Juku company. I really appreciated his way of dancing.
"It would be great to have him dancing in the En Chair et en Son Festival", I then told myself.
2022 is the centenary of the birth of Iannis Xenakis who gave us "La Légende d'Eer", a very long and exceptional
piece of electronic music. I always thought it would be magnificent with butoh dance.
This is exactly the kind of surprising meetings we like to bring off with this "In Flesh and Sound" Festival.
Norihito Ishii and Yannis Xenakis together! And this will be real on Sunday 27th of November !
Norihito Ishii will come from Japan to Paris specially for this project with two other dancers of his Company :
Zombie Kato and Yusuke Kawabata. They also will run a workshop during their stay (informations and inscriptions contact@en-chair-et-en-son.fr).
This 7th Edition will be composed of 16 dance performances on fantastic musics (the choice between the received submissions was
so difficult!...) : Denis Dufour, Marco Marini, Frédéric Kahn, Dante Tanzi, J-B Favory, G. Grassia, Alexandre Yterce, Vincent Laubeuf,
Vera Ivanova (coming specially from Los Angeles), Denis Royer, Charles Platel, Enrico Fiocco, J-B Sosa, Bruno Capelle, M Titin-Schnaider.
The dancers going to rise to our Festival challenge are coming from Poland (Sylwia Hanff, butoh pioneer in the country), from Norway
(Sonja Salkovitsch), from New-York (Joan Laage), from Italy (Kea Tonetti, Corinna Torregiani), from Spain (Mavi Haro), from Greece
(Efi Farmaki), from Brazil (Luan Machado), from England (Mai Nguyen Tri), from Japan (Juju Alishina and the Cie Butoh Ishii Gumi)...
and from France (Yves Comeliau, Frederic Rebière, Régis Moulu, Clémentine Balair).
Detailed program here.
This year, the Festival received help from the Maison de la Musique Contemporaine,
the DRAC Ile de France (artist residency), and the
japanese-french foundation Sasakawa.
Thank you to them for their support which is very encouraging for us to carry on with this rather odd project...
Kea Tonetti: photo J-M. Gourreau