
International meetings between butoh dance and acousmatic music

Moments choisis #1
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The best photos of previous editions

This project born in 2015 creates a new practice : The originality is to "give to dance" a musical work composed for the acousmatic concert. This is a real challenge for the dancer who shall interact with this music, to 'embody' or to oppose it to create his space. "The sound reveal the flesh, the flesh sublimate the sound" This is the challenge !

Contemporary dance / butoh dance / Performance meets acousmatic music

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Thanks to all for this incredible 9th edition !

Thanks to the DRAC and SACEM for their support: without them nothing would be possible, Thank you to the Aleph theatre for their warm welcome and unfailing availability. Thank you to Samuel Lardillier for his enormous lighting design work, thank you to our photographer Fabrice Pairault, thank you to the whole team (Efi, Denis, Elyzabeth, Veronica, Stephane). Thanks to Irène and José for the interviews. Thanks to the interpreters on the AEA acousmonium: MOTUS (Vincent Laubeuf) and especially Alexandre Yterce for his indispensable help. Thanks to the artists who worked wonders on a so difficult project! And thank you to the audience, your numbers are growing all the time and that's great.

10th edition : 16th to 23th of november 2025 : we are working on

Calls of participation is open : deadline 30th of April 2025 !

Aventures Electro Acoustiques proposes to experience again 4 performances of the 1st edition in
a DVD sold 15€ in favour of the association and the artists who participed

                                                                    Co-producers :                                                                                       2024 Partnairs :